Chakra Balancing
Chakra Balancing
Chakras are concentrated, subtle energy centres which are situated throughout the body and head. Keeping yours balanced and unblocked will optimize your energy levels, health and well-being. We all have major and minor Chakras in our energetic body system, but often only seven primary Chakras are mentioned. You may notice I have also included information below regarding the Foot Chakra which I have found is much less known about than the other seven, but in my opinion is just as important.
The term Chakra comes from a Sanskrit word meaning 'disk' or 'wheel' which is derived from the root word 'cakra'. Chakras are portrayed as spinning wheels of light or energy, each of which are related to an area of our head or body - notably affecting our general well-being if any one of our Chakras is out of balance or blocked. The constant, but subtle energy flow to and from the Chakras, has the potential to keep us functioning at an optimum level, but this can be thrown out of synergy when our body or minds are under lengthy periods of duress.
In these changing times, it can be difficult to find a consistant level of well-being which may simply be due to low energy levels in the Chakras. Feelings of depression, for instance, may be because one of the primary chakras is not taking in sufficient energy for its needs. Endeavouring to work on our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health can promote and strengthen the flow of energy through our Chakras. Seeking professional help in re-balancing your Chakras may very well be just what you need to experience greater health, energy and well-being. If what you're also looking for is a clearer connection with your life and purpose, more love and harmony in your relationships, increased wealth and abundance and the confidence and ability to create the life you wish for, an Inclusive Healing bespoke Chakra balancing programme is now available to you.
As each Chakra has a different function, I thought it would be useful for you to see the essence of their individual influence and the correlation between the body's anatomy and each of the Chakra energies. I hope you find the information below helpful towards identifing the areas of your life possibly effected by your primary Chakras being out of balance or blocked. Naturally you will also find which health problems you can avoid by opening and expanding your energy centres. For each Chakra that is not functioning as it should be, Inclusive Healing has various fun and easy to use techniques to get you working with your Chakras straight away.
0. Foot Chakra
No colour
No element
No Animal Totem
Position: Below the feet
Object: The magnetic plate that creates an attractor field
Opened: You are able to manifest and attract to you what is timely and supportive; you feel grounded and focused; you are able to get things done in a timely and efficient manner.
Closed: It's difficult to manifest what you want in your life; you feel ungrounded; you have trouble staying focused andaccomplishing things .
1. Root Chakra
Colour: Red
Element: Earth
Animal Totem: Snake
Organ and parts: legs,feet, bones, immune system
Position: Base of spine
Opened: you are content with your body; you are confident with money, you manage it well and always have enough for what you need and want; you feel like you belong and have a strong sense of connection with your family and friends and feel wanted and loved.
Closed: You struggle with weight and body issues; struggle with debt and lack of money, low esteem and struggle to feel that you are worthy of love.
2. Sacral Chakra
Colour: Orange
Element: Fire
Animal Totem: Jaguar
Organ and parts: Reproductive system, hips, bladder, lower abdomen
Opened: You enjoy pleasure in many different ways of life, you createhealthy sexual experiences with others that honour you, you have a strong sense of your sexuality and recognize it as one of your most powerful creative energies.
Closed: You feel sex is bad and it can hurt you, you feel abused, hurt and confused, not trusting that you can be loved for being you, you feel you have to be sexy to be loved.
3. Solar plexus Chakra
Colour: Yellow
Element: Water
Animal Totem: Humming Bird
Organ and parts: Liver, pancreas, gall bladder, lower back
Position: Above the naval
Opened: You have a healthy sense of feeling strong and powerful wanting to use your power to influence positively, you admire those with power and influence and want to emulate them to make a difference in the world.
Closed: You feel like you are a victim and feel powerless especially prone to giving away your power to others to keep the peace, you may suffer rom stomach pains and anxiety.
Opened: You give and receive love easily and are comfortable in yur relationships, you feel gratitude for the wonderful life you have, often feeling compassion, respect and honour towards others.
Closed: You are afraid of commitment and feel you have to please others to earn their love; you haven't recovered from the hurt you suffered in previous relationships; you are very guarded against emotional circumstances and may close yourself off to others.
5. Throat Chakra
Colour: Blue
Element: Sound
Animal Totem: None
Organ and other parts: Throar, thyroid, vocal chords, jaw, mouth, neck
Position: Hollow of throat
Opened: You are comfortable speaking your truth and you feel that you are heard and honoured by others for the truth yu speak
Closed: You are afraid to speak up and tend to agree with others to keep the peace, you frequently suffer from sore throats or may feel your throat is blocked
6. Third Eye Chakra
Colour: Indigo
Element: Light
Animal Totem: None
Organ and body parts: Eyes, ears, sinuses, lower brain
Position: Middle of forehead
Opened: You use your intuition proficiently, which you act on confidently, listen to and are guided by your inner truth which you follow trustingly and knowingly
Closed: You feel a disconnection from your intuition believing you don't have any, you feel lost or totally bereft from your spiritual purpose and life path, frequently suffer from headaches and often sense a feeling of tension in upper brow area
7. Crown Chakra
Colour: Violet
Element: thought
Animal Totem: None
Organ and body parts: Upper brain, hypothalamus
Position: Top of head
Opened: You feel connected to a protective higher power whom you trust to look after and care for you, you know you deserve immense blessings and feel gratitude for the universal love and appreciation you feel for others and yourself
Closed: You don't feel guidance from nor feel connected to a higher power and are tormented by the thought your higher power has deserted you and feel unworthy of spiritual help, tension headaches and migraines are a regular occurance for you.
Opening Times